Virtual Learning
The mission of Virtual Learning is to provide flexible learning opportunities anytime, anywhere for students who need them. TEA granted Harmony to operate a Harmony Virtual Academy campus for 2022-23. The school will operate from the current Harmony School of Science-Houston location but will accept online learners from all across Texas. Courses will be taught both in live, synchronous sessions led by Harmony teachers, as well as through independent, self-led asynchronous learning sessions.
Virtual Reality (VR) Soon
I am a new Virtual teacher teaching students from different districts, I do not see all students in Clever. Your account needs to be activated. Please submit a ticket via the Help Desk under "Virtual Learning - Educational Software Support"
What Educational Software apps do I have access to as a Virtual Teacher? Please check this document
I do not see my students/classes in Clever. Please make sure you are marked as a primary teacher in Skyward. Once those changes are done in Skyward you will see them the next business day in Clever.